It may be that the deep necessity of art is the examination of self-deception. -Robert Motherwell 636
The sole substitute for an experience which we have not ourselves lived through is art and literature. 1.9K
Art is not boosterism, it’s not propaganda, and it’s not spin, but that’s not something that art does, and nor has it historically ever done it. 2.14K
How can anybody learn anything from an artwork when the piece of art only reflects the vanity of the artist and not reality? 2K
One of the things you’re doing when you make art, apart from entertaining yourself and other people, is trying to see what ways of working feel good, what feels right. 846
At the beginning of the 20th century, the ambition of the great painters was to make paintings that were like music, which was then considered as the noblest art. 1.24K
With today’s fast films, you can light the way your eye sees the scene. You can abuse the film and create subtleties in contrast with light and exposure, diffusion and filters. That’s what makes it an art. 718
I’m a real person that cares about his art and cares about what he’s doing. I have a heart and a soul and I want to touch people and give. 689
For me, pointing and clicking my phone is absolutely fine. People say that isn’t the art of photography but I don’t agree. 1.43K