And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department. 745
Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. 675
I worry whether it’s not really the best way to live one’s life – trying to fulfill the dreams you had as a child. Maybe it’s quite a backwards approach. 1.34K
I think what every skater dreams of is not only skating the best program they can possibly skate, but, y’know, having the crowd roar at the end, and it was just so loud I couldn’t even hear my music. 657
You don’t ever want to go out there and not be the best. You want to be the best cop that you can. Be the best writer you can be. Everybody has their goals. Everybody has their dreams. 2.5K
The London Games will be designed for the athletes and we will provide them with the very best venues and the very best conditions to pursue their sporting dreams in London. 592
The only book by a modern president that bears serious comparison with Obama’s ‘Dreams From My Father’ is Jimmy Carter’s short campaign autobiography, ‘Why Not the Best?,’ published in 1975. 692
Thanking you once more, I want to wish you the best of luck for your future life and to conclude by saying to you: Dream your dreams and may they come true! 822
The usual comment from psychologists and psychiatrists was that it’s best not to encourage people to look at their dreams because they are liable to stir up problems for themselves. 808
I am a child of Hollywood and dreams. To me, to be on the red carpet is the best place in the world. 614
Barack Obama knows that to create an economy built to last, we need to focus on middle-class families. Families who stay up on Sunday nights pacing the floor, like my dad did, while their children, tucked in bed, dream big dreams. Families who aren’t sure what Monday morning will bring, but who believe our nation’s best days are still ahead. 608
Everyone wants to look their best, everyone has dreams of wanting to look like something else. But we are who we are. 686
I say to my colleagues never confine your best work, your hopes, your dreams, the aspiration of the American people to what will be signed by George W. Bush because that is too limiting a factor. 616
My imagination completely controls me, and forever feeds the fire that burns with dark red light in my heart by bringing me the best dreams. I’ve always had a wild imagination, a big heart and a tortured soul so I feel that dark fantasy, love and horror are in my blood. 679
I think there’s a time as a writer when you want to see the best things in life, and you go out wherever you go with your dreams as a writer or a composer. 625
My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth. 2.55K