Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated. 667
It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. One yawns, one procrastinates, one can do it when one will, and therefore one seldom does it. 570
Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket: and do not merely pull it out and strike it; merely to show that you have one. 2.19K
Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom. 897
Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. 1.35K
Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids son’t laugh at you. 737
The real genius to make a market place flourish doesn’t come from the government. It comes from the individual genius of it’s people. 665
The word “tip” stands for “to insure promptness.” So when should you give it? Up front, of course. Sophisticated people don’t take chances on poor service, they insure good service. 1.78K
We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things. 1.36K
Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it. 1.37K