If they exert it not for good, they will for evil; if they advance not knowledge, they will perpetuate ignorance. 811
If I was left to my own devices, you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans – but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together, I just don’t have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that. 2.53K
A good government implies two things; first, fidelity to the objects of the government; secondly, a knowledge of the means, by which those objects can be best attained. 1.63K
People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding. 693
I was a fairly good amateur musician, and I was an average professional. But the one thing I saw was that the big band business was fading. 711
I used to say that I wanted someone cute and nice, an actor too, so he’d get it. But now I think it would be good for me to date someone who’s not in the business. 1.17K
One gets the impression that Elvis Presley does what his business advisors think will be most profitable. My advice to them: Put Elvis Presley in the studio with a bunch of good, contemporary rockers, lock the studio up, and tell him he can’t come out until he’s done made an album that rocks from beginning to end. 1.6K
There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you’re good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backward, even if it requires learning new skills. Kindle is an example of working backward. 630
All through history, there have always been movements where business was not just about the accumulation of proceeds but also for the public good. 666
I’ve made movies that I thought were good. I’ve made movies that I thought were okay, but then I was very good. And sometimes you’re in a movie and you think, I wish more people saw that – because you’re good. And it just works out that the movie gets lost. But that’s show business.I’ve made movies that I thought were good. I’ve made movies that I thought were okay, but then I was very good. And sometimes you’re in a movie and you think, I wish more people saw that – because you’re good. And it just works out that the movie gets lost. But that’s show business. 1.13K
The business side of film has goofed up so many things, but even that’s changing. It happened to the music industry and now it’s happening to the film studios. It’s crazy what’s going on. But artists should have control of their work; especially if, as I always say, you never turn down a good idea and never take a bad idea. 669
I do not want to admit to the world that I can be a bad person. It is just that I don’t want anyone to have false expectations. Moviemaking is a harsh, volatile business, and unless you can be ruthless, too, there’s a good chance that you are going to disappear off the scene pretty quickly. 684
Politics are about preserving relationships at the end of the day, and it has nothing to do with the greater good for humanity. It’s just all about business. 1.99K
Even if the chef has a good business head, his focus should be behind kitchen doors. A business partner should take care of everything in front of the kitchen doors. 1.38K
I think in politics, in Congress, you often do things that are Republican, or you do things because you’re a Democrat. Sometimes that’s good, obviously, and sometimes that’s obviously bad. But in the news business, there’s no such thing as Republican or Democratic news. News is news. 1.42K
If you can’t pay for a thing, don’t buy it. If you can’t get paid for it, don’t sell it. Do this, and you will have calm and drowsy nights, with all of the good business you have now and none of the bad. If you have time, don’t wait for time. 1.41K
I was a good amateur but only an average professional. I soon realized that there was a limit to how far I could rise in the music business, so I left the band and enrolled at New York University. 953
We have mountain of debt that isn’t going away and all the problems are here to stay, and anybody who tells you that is a good thing ought to get out of the business of helping the government down the road. 600
I started in business journalism from the outside, so when I started writing about markets and business, I was struck by the fact that markets seemed to work well even though people are often irrational, lack good information and are not perfect in the way they think about decisions. 1.37K
I never knew any Jews until I got into show business. I’ve found them to be real smart and good workers. 712