In our music, in our everyday life, there are so many negative things. Why not have something positive and stamp it with blackness? -Jamie Foxx 618
At the beginning of the 20th century, the ambition of the great painters was to make paintings that were like music, which was then considered as the noblest art. 1.22K
I think that is what film and art and music do; they can work as a map of sorts for your feelings. 727
It seems almost backwards to me that my music seems the more emotional outlet, and the art stuff seems more about ideas. 701
I think no artist can claim to have any access to the truth, or an authentic version of an event. But obviously they have slightly better means at their disposal because they have their art to energize whatever it is they’re trying to write about. They have music. 699
There are so many opportunities in life, that the loss of two or three capabilities is not necessarily debilitating. A handicap can give you the opportunity to focus more on art, writing, or music. 659
I’m into sincerity in music and sincerity in art. If it doesn’t feel true, I don’t want to do it. Things that are too dramatic scare me. I think that’s why I don’t always fit into the world of performing arts. 2.16K
Is there not an art, a music, and a stream of words that shalt be life, the acknowledged voice of life? 2.6K
When I look at great works of art or listen to inspired music, I sense intimate portraits of the specific times in which they were created. 734
To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching. To attain it we must be able to guess what will interest; we must learn to read the childish soul as we might a piece of music. Then, by simply changing the key, we keep up the attraction and vary the song. 659
Mathematics is, as it were, a sensuous logic, and relates to philosophy as do the arts, music, and plastic art to poetry. 623
I have never denied my background or my culture. I have taught my child to embrace her Mexican heritage, to love my first language, Spanish, to learn about Mexican history, music, folk art, food, and even the Mexican candy I grew up with. 702
My parents started with very little and were the only ones in their families to graduate from college. As parents, they focused on education, but did not stop at academics – they made sure that we knew music, saw art and theatre and traveled – even though it meant budgeting like crazy. 661
A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become. 647
I was doing these performance art pop music pieces in the city. And they were a bit on the eccentric side I suppose. So people started to call me Gaga after the Queen song ‘Radio Gaga.’ 626
Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls. 1.1K
Music is God’s gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven. 657