Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. 1.14K
To engage with art, we have to be willing to be wrong, venture outside our psychic comfort zones, suspend disbelief, and remember that art explores and alters consciousness simultaneously. 609
For as long as I can remember I have suffered from a deep feeling of anxiety which I have tried to express in my art. 1.26K
Do you remember when you found out you wouldn’t live forever? People don’t talk about this, but everybody had to go through it because you’re not born with that knowledge. 1.88K
When I climb into my car, I enter my destination into a GPS device, whose spatial memory supplants my own. I have photographs to store the images I want to remember, books to store knowledge and now, thanks to Google, I rarely have to remember anything more than the right set of search terms to access humankind’s collective memory. 881
When I hear people debate the ROI of social media? It makes me remember why so many business fail. Most businesses are not playing the marathon. They’re playing the sprint. They’re not worried about lifetime value and retention. They’re worried about short-term goals. 670
I couldn’t be an ingenue today, because the business has changed. I remember when you could dress for a premiere just by putting on a cute top. Now you have to be perfect and fabulous in every way, or you’re ridiculed. 677
Being tall is an advantage, especially in business. People will always remember you. And if you’re in a crowd, you’ll always have some clean air to breathe. 2.52K
I used to have a lot of recurring dreams about Captain Hook when I was a little kid, which I remember very vividly. But I think I just really liked Peter Pan a lot, and ‘Hook’ was my favorite movie. 633
I don’t remember my dreams. I’m one of those weird people. I know there are tricks and things you can do, but I never remember my dreams. 650
I was in Nepal and I had watched Oprah Winfrey’s show. I had no idea, as a kid in Nepal, who she was, but I remember watching an episode of hers about living your dreams. 3.11K
I don’t write from dreams because I don’t remember mine, but I had a fragment of an image left about twins, whose father was telling them how their lives were going to go for the next eight years. I wrote a scene about that, and then another and then another and then another, and after five months I had 732 pages. 696
I led the life of an intellectual up until a certain age. I remember Freud’s ‘Interpretation of Dreams’ was a big favorite when I was 11. It sounded so interesting. And it really was! 667
Remember that happiness is as contagious as gloom. It should be the first duty of those who are happy to let others know of their gladness. 664
I cannot remember a moment in my life when I have not felt the love of my family. We were a family that would have killed for each other – and we still are. 608
When I remember my family, I always remember their backs. They were always indignantly leaving places. 655
Remember, I come from such an excessively overdone, red-carpet place called Hollywood. So I’m used to people blowing up their success in ways that are far above and beyond the truth. 1.84K
You can be discouraged by failure, or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes, make all you can. Because, remember that’s where you’ll find success – on the far side of failure. 621