Editor: a person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed. 1.38K
Art is the beautiful way of doing things. Science is the effective way of doing things. Business is the economic way of doing things. 856
Often we can help each other most by leaving each other alone; at other times we need the hand-grasp and the word of cheer. 656
The ineffable joy of forgiving and being forgiven forms an ecstasy that might well arouse the envy of the gods. 2.34K
The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it: so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it. 698
How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success. 705
A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success. 703
Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit. 608
It may happen sometimes that a long debate becomes the cause of a longer friendship. Commonly, those who dispute with one another at last agree. 603
The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed – it is a process of elimination. 595