The 1980s will seem like a walk in the park when compared to new global challenges, where annual productivity increases of 6% may not be enough. A combination of software, brains, and running harder will be needed to bring that percentage upto 8% or 9%. 817
What’s important at the grocery store is just as important in engines or medical systems. If the customer isn’t satisfied, if the stuff is getting stale, if the shelf isn’t right, or if the offerings aren’t right, it’s the same thing. You manage it like a small organization. You don’t get hung up in zeros. 660
Out-innovating them is the way to beat China. And to do everything that we do in this counrty to support innovative policy, that drive innovation and new products and more jobs and create jobs. You can’t – you can’t put a wall up around here. We tried that in the ’30s. It didn’t work. 825
One of the jobs of a manager is to instill confidence, pump confidence into your people. And when you’ve got somebody who’s raring to go and you can smell it and feel it, give ’em that shot. 670
In order to lead the country or a company, you’ve got to get everybody on the same page and you’ve got to be able to have a vision of health care for everybody, green economy, regulations – can’t have a bunch of piece-meal activities. It’s got to have a vision. 1.56K
If you don’t have public hangings for bad cultulral in a company, If you don’t take people out and let them say, they went home to spend more time with the family. It’s crazy. 707
I actually think that the economy has got some positives. It’s got the mark. It’s got consumer confidence and it’s got banks throwing – I mean central bankers throwing money at it around the world. 635
If GE’s strategy of investment in China is wrong, it represents a loss of a billion dollars, perhaps a couple of billion dollars. If it is right, it is the future of this company for the next century. 627
CEOs can talk and blab each day about culture, but the employees all know who the jerks are. They could name the jerks for you. It’s just cultural. People just don’t want to do it. 2.44K
The idea flow from the human spirit is absoutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that well. I don’t like to use the word efficiency. It’s creativity. It’s a belief that every person counts. 2.5K
Strong managers who make tough decisions to cut jobs provide the only true job security in today’s world. Weak managers are the problem. Waek managers destory jobs. 671
Short cycle business are being impacted by credit, and are being impacted by gasoline prices, food, distribution business, chemical business. 695
I my lifetime Mitt Romney is the most qualified leader I’ve ever seen run for the presidency of the United States. 886
My main job was developing talent. I was a gardener providing water and other nourishment to our top 750 people. Of course, I had to pull out some weeds, too. 2.28K
We’ve only been wealthy in this country for 70 years. Who said we ought to have all this? Is it ordained? 680