Politics are about preserving relationships at the end of the day, and it has nothing to do with the greater good for humanity. It’s just all about business. 1.99K
You can rule ignorance; you can manipulate the illiterate; you can do whatever you want when a people are uneducated, so that goes in line with corrupt business and corrupt politics. 1.75K
If you live in a good neighborhood, you drive home and there’s a bank. There’s grocery stores and big houses – but no motels. What that tells you psychologically is you protect your money and buy good things for your family to eat in your nice big house. 1.53K
If you live in a ghetto and really want not to just change your life and your family’s life but change your ghetto’s life, make your ghetto a good neighbourhood, learn science; try to be like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. 618
Philanthropy is the thing that I am really excited about, and having success means I can do more. 2.06K
Most of these people who are celebrities now don’t do anything to deserve it, so by that fact alone, I don’t want to be one. 2.44K
If you have a vaccine or an antidote that people can benefit from, you’re not going to want to keep it to yourself. You’re going to want to spread that wisdom or whatever to as many people as you can, so everybody can benefit from it. 626