The qualities of an exceptional cook are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker: an abiding passion for the task, courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance. 705
Ladies of Fashion starve their happiness to feed their vanity, and their love to feed their pride. 2.33K
Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy, or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other, and both together make up one whole. 838
How can sincerity be a condition of friendship? A taste for truth at any cost is a passion which spares nothing. 669
My philosophy of leadership is to surround myself with good people who have ability, judgment and knowledge, but above all, a passion for service. 652
The greatest gift is the passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination. 634
A toothache, or a violent passion, is not necessarily diminished by our knowledge of its causes, its character, its importance or insignificance. 596
The fact is that love is of two kinds, one which commands, and one which obeys. The two are quite distinct, and the passion to which the one gives rise is not the passion of the other. 637
His greatest asset was his ability to extract the best out of his players when it really mattered. 681
He’s the best coach I’ve been associated with. He demands discipline and gets it, but he also cares about his players. 768
I wrote what I wrote because I believe it. If you got complaints let me hear them. If you want better stories – win some games. 1.03K
If I lose I will walk away and never feel bad because I did all I could – there was nothing more to do. 2.49K