Respect is the key determinant of high-performance leadership. How much people respect you determines how well they perform. 770
Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position. 636
Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, 50 books per year, and will guarantee your success. 680
Be a lifelong student. The more you learn, the more you earn and the more self-confidence you will have. 681
Throughout the developed world, we have moved from “manpower” to “mindpower.” We have moved from the use of physical muscle to the use of mental muscle. 1.39K
The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do. 755
Avoid negative people at all costs. They are the greatest destroyers of self confidence and self-esteem. 2.58K
Be selective about your external influences. Your multi-dimensional brain is influenced by everything you see, hear, read, smell, touch, feel or say. 724
Get around the right people. Associate with positive, goal-oriented people who encourage and inspire you. 655
Happiness comes when you believe in what you are doing, know what you are doing, and love what you are doing. 774
The quality of your life is determined by how you feel at any given time. How you feel is determined by how you interpret what is happening around you, not by the events themselves. 632
Happiness and high performance come to you when you choose to live your life consistent with your highest values and your deepest convictions. 608